Our Badges

Be Social

5 Credits

Get this badge by being followed by one person and earn 5 credits.

1 Step

  • Earn Register to the website 1 time.

Account Activation

10 Credits

1 Step

  • Register to website


50 CPD Points

Apply and get selected as an online tutor to unlock this badge. Check the Courses tab to apply.

1 Step

  • Get assigned to Tutor Instructor role 1 time

VIP Member

500 Credits

Upgrade your membership to VIP status and access premium services to unlock this badge.

1 Step

  • Get assigned to Administrator role 1 time

Golden Heart

100 Credits

Make a donation to any of our campaigns to unlock this badge and earn 100 points


1 Step

  • Make a donation 1 time

Trusted Seller

20 Credits

Register and verify your own store to unlock this badge. Join our growing team of trusted vendors.

1 Step

  • Get assigned to Store Vendor role 1 time